Coolant Tester

Coolant Tester

8,90 EUR

Češko skladište: Dostupno
Španjolsko skladište: Nedostupan

Dio: XOCT003

The coolant tester is an indispensable tool to quickly and accurately analyse the condition of your vehicle's coolant. With it, you can easily check the freezing level and efficiency of the coolant to avoid engine damage in extreme temperature conditions. The ... Više informacija


The coolant tester is an indispensable tool to quickly and accurately analyse the condition of your vehicle's coolant. With it, you can easily check the freezing level and efficiency of the coolant to avoid engine damage in extreme temperature conditions. The tester is easy to use and provides fast results, making it ideal for both professional workshops and amateur use. The tester allows instant determination of the freezing point of the coolant, which is key to protecting the engine in winter conditions. The simple design makes the tester intuitive and convenient to use, without the need for complex calibration. Made from robust materials to ensure long-lasting and reliable operation. The tester checks most types of coolant on the market, providing versatility. The small size of the unit allows for easy storage in the workshop or in the car. The tester provides accurate information on the condition of the coolant so that it can be replaced or topped up accordingly.

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Sve cijene uključuju 25% PDV