Bowless Top krov

Bowless Top krov 2 vrata, Crno, Fastback, Suntop

1.118 EUR

Češko skladište: Nedostupan
Španjolsko skladište: Dostupno

Dio: XOST064

Our Ultimate Top Fastback is a bowless top, supplied with a windshield bar and door surrounds. Roof and windows run separately, so you can have 5 different configurations of your top; from fully open to completely closed. The roof can be rolled up on the top o ... Više informacija


Our Ultimate Top Fastback is a bowless top, supplied with a windshield bar and door surrounds. Roof and windows run separately, so you can have 5 different configurations of your top; from fully open to completely closed. The roof can be rolled up on the top of your windshield, secured by two latches, leaving your trunk free for your luggage. Very easy to open and to close. Tinted, scratch-resistant plastic DOT approved windows are completely hardware-free and can be folded taking up little space. It comes with our new Suntop® ROOMERANG concept, the "hardware non-hardware". ROOMERANG gives to Ultimate top the perfect design, enough loading volume and a longer Top for a complete sun protection. It gives the benefit of an arch inside the top but without its limits. It's shape comes from the Heat extractor on front fenders and it's connected to lots of other parts in Wrangler JL. It's fitted on original threaded holes on the rollcage. It can be fitted upside-down when you want to have a full "naked" look, opening top and windows.

Tehnički podaci

  • Boja: Black
  • Materijal: Denim

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2018-2028 Jeep Wrangler (Unlimited) JL

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